Friday 15 May 2009

Benmore Blog, day four (Mr Devereux)

Today I joined another group for the morning and returned to Loch Eck. However, instead of repeating kayaking I took part in some canoeing. Pairs of canoes were lashed together to make catamarans. The wind was amazingly strong and we paid an unplanned visit to the caravan park on the opposite side of the loch! It was very hard work for the team to paddle back into the wind and return to the correct side. We did it though. We all loved Neap’s birthday cake. Bramble and Thistle devoured the crumbs left on the plate as if they had never been fed before. Everyone got very excited about the disco and the girls spent a long time getting ready. It was rather loud but the class really enjoyed it. A nice teacher from Hawthornden Primary set up a games room for children who don’t like discos and that proved popular too. I showed some of the class how to play Monopoly.


sheila calder said...

Thank you to you and the team for giving our children such a great experience, I'm sure they'll never forget it! Home for a well deserved lemonade tonight?

highland cow's mum said...

Thank you for all your hard work Mr Devereux. The children have all had a wonderful week (I've never seem so many 'sooo fun!!!!' comments before!)& we have really enjoyed reading the blog every night. Thanks also to Ms Kerr - I hope you both get a good rest this weekend.