Thursday 14 May 2009

Benmore Blog, day three (Thistle)

The abseiling was amazing! It was scary. The rock was so steep and we kept slipping. It was about a 50 foot drop and I looked down halfway up and that made me a bit wary! But it was still cool! The forest walk was great too. We got to drink from this mini waterfall and it was really nice! We found loads of tadpoles and gave them names (except we couldn’t tell who was who!). Highlander found a kind of newt and named it Jimbo. And the others were just things so they were all “Jimbo and Co.” It’s really fun and we had spag bol for tea. It was yummy!
xox Thistle xox


Corbett said...

Hello,it's Corbett here. That must have been really scary! We got your post card today. Tomorrow STV are coming round to film the stuff all about schoolovision and its going to be on the Friday 6 o'clock news! Hope you had fun!

Anonymous said...

Thistle, I love this post! Sounds like you're having such a good time. Can't wait to see you tomorrow. Hugs xoxoxo mummy