Tuesday 12 May 2009

Benmore Blog, day one (The Human Nessie)

Today was really fun. Although the bus journey was THREE hours long. We did get to stop in Luss for a picnic on the beach of Loch Lomond. When we FINALLY arrived at Benmore we were all literally jumping for joy. Once we had found our dorms, we got unpacked, then we went to get waterproof clothing and boots. Once we were all ready we went for a walk in the gardens. They were so pretty. We found our way to a stream with a tiny tunnel going through it. We all took turns in army crawling through it. It was FREEZING!! (and we got soaked!) It was really fun. After that we did a mini gorge walk. It was all uphill and rocky (in case you didn’t know, a gorge walk is like walking up a river or stream). We all had to clamber up a muddy bank to get back to the path. We all ran down the path back to the house, taking turns in leading the way. We had snack, then we went to the common room to be told about Benmore and the rules. Then we had free time. We played ping-pong, climbed trees and took photos. Then we had dinner. Fish and chips! Yum! Then we came in to the research room and wrote this! After this we are going for a night walk, then it’s time for bed. See you soon,The Human Nessie x x x

1 comment:

sandy said...

heya smallfry. hows it hangin? its oh so quiet without you, very strange... dad says he's missing you (he's so weird). dad says the ghost of jema is stalking us (!) BIIIG hug
mum is not so talkative, but that's probably because she's depressed about her golf score, she is also limping slightly. she's happy you're happy. i'm fine, you know, loads of practice etc, you're so lucky he didn't make you take your violin! loads of love from us all XxXxXxX